Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Trial

Dear Journal,
Today was a very stressful but relieving day. We arrived at the court and there stood Shylock ready to have a pound of flesh from Antonio. He was about to cut it from his chest when the Judge stoped him after reading the bond very carfully and it said that not one drop of blood could be drawn. That hesitated Shylock, who ended up not getting the pound of flesh ebcuase it was too risky.
After the trial, many pounds of stress were releaved and i felt like one of the luckiest guy in the world. Shylock was told that he had to convert his ways intothe Christan lifestyle. This day couldnt get much better...

1 comment:

Portia-MM said...

I am so glad that Antonio won the trial and is now a free man. You are a good man with a kind heart. I also want to thank you for telling me the truth before you left for the trial, and not just making up a lie trying to still keep up the charade pprtraying you as a rich man. Tell Antonio that I am grateful that he would risk his life so that a dear friend could go in suit of the woman he wanted.